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What to Expect Along the Path to Conceiving With IVF - Best IVF Hospital in Bangalore

Apr 04, 2022

IVF Treatment

What to Expect Along the Path to Conceiving With IVF - Best IVF Hospital in Bangalore What to Expect Along the Path to Conceiving With IVF - Best IVF Hospital in Bangalore

In Vitro fertilization (IVF) is a complex series of procedures used to help with fertility or prevent genetic problems and assist with the conception of a child. IVF is the most effective form of assisted reproductive technology. The procedure can be done using a couple's own eggs and sperm. Or IVF may involve eggs, sperm, or embryos from an anonymous donor. In some cases, a gestational carrier - someone who has an embryo implanted in the uterus - might be used.

Your chances of having a healthy baby using IVF depend on many factors, such as your age and the cause of infertility. Parency makes IVF efficient, cost-effective, reducing the time duration and avoiding financial strain. Multiple pregnancies can result if transferring more than one embryo to the uterus.

Before beginning a cycle of IVF, consider important questions, including:

  • How many embryos will be transferred? The number of embryos transferred is typically based on age and the number of eggs retrieved. Since the rate of implantation is lower for older women, more embryos are usually transferred - except for women using donor eggs or genetically tested embryos. Most doctors follow specific guidelines to prevent higher-order multiple pregnancies, such as triplets or more. In some countries, legislation limits the number of embryos that can be transferred. Make sure you and your doctor agree on the number of embryos that will be transferred before the transfer procedure.
  • What will you do with any extra embryos? Extra embryos can be frozen and stored for future use for several years. Not all embryos will survive the freezing and thawing process, although most will. Having frozen embryos can make future cycles of IVF less expensive and less invasive. Or, you might be able to donate unused frozen embryos to another couple or a research facility. You might also choose to discard unused embryos.
  • How will you handle multiple pregnancies? If more than one embryo is transferred to your uterus, IVF can result in multiple pregnancies - which poses health risks for you and your babies. In some cases, the fetal reduction can be used to help a woman deliver fewer babies with lower health risks. Pursuing fetal reduction, however, is a major decision with ethical, emotional, and psychological consequences.

What you can expect: IVF involves several steps - ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval, sperm retrieval, fertilization, and embryo transfer. One cycle of IVF can take about two to three weeks. More than one cycle may be needed.

These are some of the important factors to keep in mind while considering IVF. Choose a clinic that understands your concerns and cares for your needs during the beautiful yet challenging IVF process

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